Sunday, November 8, 2009

You might be a racer if you...

If any of these sound like someone you know, send them a link to this page!

You feel compelled on a road trip to beat your previous best time.

You are happiest when your street car's tires are worn to racing depth and the wear bars are showing.

When something falls off of your car, you wonder how much weight you just saved.

When you hear 'overcooked it', instead of food you think of how badly you overheated an engine.

You thoroughly enjoy showing the tailgater behind how to drive around a highway off-ramp.

Your racing budget is one of the big three -- mortgage, car payments and maintenance/modifications.

Your email address refers to your race car rather than to you.

You walk proper lines through the grocery store.

You've been known to yell "It means 'check your mirrors' dammit!" at your television.

You've paid $4.00 a gallon for gas without complaining.

You buy new parts because you don't know where you put the spares.

You bought a race car before buying a house.

You bought a race car before buying furniture for the new house.

You're looking for a tow vehicle and still haven't bought furniture!

You find that you need a new house because you've outgrown your garage and the neighbors are threatening violence if you park one more vehicle on the street or in the front yard.

You know well that Orthodontic work is the equivalant of three sets of tires.

You have sat in your race car in a dark garage and made car noises, shifting and practicing your powershifting, while waiting for your motor to get back from the machine shop.

You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment.

Your GF says, "If you buy another car, we are breaking up."

Your garage holds more cars than your house has bedrooms.

You own more race cars than children.

You have enough spare parts to build another car.

More than one race parts supply house recognizes your voice and greets you by name when you call.

You have car parts in your cubicle at work.

Or you install upgrades on your car at your work.

You think the last line of the Star Spangled Banner is: "Racers, start your engines!"

You're registered for wedding gifts at Cincy Speed.

Your Christmas list begins with another set of BFG R-1s and H-Beam Forged Billet Rods and your 'significant other' knows what they are.

After your answer to "What did you do this weekend?" the next question is always: "And you do this for fun?"

You have a separate drawer for 'garage clothes'.

Your reading material in your bathroom consists of auto parts and racing supply catalogs, several books written by famous drivers, and like 100 car magazines

You talk to other cars on the road, calling them by the manufacturer's name.

Your first date involves asking her to crew for you at the track.

Your criteria for selecting a significant other include auto repair skills, air tools optional.

Your friends don't recognize you without a helmet and driver's suit.

Your family remembers your hair color as "grease".

You plan your wedding around the race schedule.

You have to gather up the box of broken craftsman tools that need replaced under warranty every time you go to Sears.

You remember the dates and details of every race you've ever been in, but can't remember your own cell phone number.

Your family brings the couch into the garage so they can spend some time with you.

You complain when cars in front of you on highway off-ramps don't stay on “the line,” causing your exit speed to drop.

A neighbor asks if you have any oil, to which you query, "Synthetic or organic?" and they reply, "Vegetable or corn."

You give out Summit Racing's number when a friend asks for the best hardware store.

You refer to the corner down the street from your house as "Turn One."

You look at the fire hydrant at that corner and see an apex marker.
You always late apex the intersection and try to pass a few cars coming out.

Everywhere you go, you try to find the fastest line through the turn.

You always do a toe & heel downshift while whoever might be your passenger gives you a real funny look.

You can't stand anyone telling others how to drive. Of course, you are the best.

Understeer makes you want to throw up a little.

You will gladly pay up to $8 for a quart of engine oil.

You hate long distance driving, but you will gladly drive 100 miles to the race track.

You think that traction control and ABS are for those who can't drive.
You've ever tried to convince your wife you needed that flow bench to fix the air filter on her station wagon.
You save broken car parts as " momentos".

You've found your lawnmower runs pretty good on 108 octane gas (but doesn't particularly care for alcohol).

The local tire shop won't honor the tread life warranty on any car you have been within 50 yards of...

The shop manager at your local car dealer mutters "dear Lord" under his breath after he sees the size of your exhaust piping.

The local police and state Highway Patrol have a picture of your car taped to their dashboard.

You spend more time polishing your exhaust tips every day than you do bathing.

Instead of pictures in your wallet, you have timeslips.

You would choose a rollbar over air conditioning if it were an option.

White smoke coming out from under your tires is a common sight.

You consider the redline a "conservative suggestion" and the rev limiter "a fun limiter."

You spend more on insurance premiums than on food.

Your idea of a good time is sitting around figuring out gear ratios and the ideal final drive ratio for given situations.

When someone refers to "The Good Book", you think of "The Auto Math Handbook"

When someone asks where you went to school, you reply, "Skip Barber".
You own five cars and only one of them is street legal.

You know the 1/4 mile times and skid pad numbers of your riding mower and want to improve them.

You've embarrassed your significant other at least once by insisting on wearing your full face helmet while driving.

You know the "racing line" of every turn in your daily commute, including your alternate routes, and practice hitting them every day.

You quote your street tire wear life in weeks rather than miles.

You regularly live test your rev limiter on that straight that's a little too long for 2nd but not worth going into 3rd for.

You've started looking for sponsors for your daily commute.

You've slalomed in a construction zone, and counted your penalty time in the rearview afterwards.

After you tell your wife where you'd like to go on your vacation she answers: "Why... is there a race there?"
You think the primary purpose of wings is to PREVENT flight.

You take your helmet along when you go to buy new car
When a girl asks if you are single and you pop your hood.
You have started to only race crotch rockets b/c there the only competition.
When someone asks you to sell your car for the blue book you just laugh at there stupidity.

When you no longer snore, but make boost and blow-off-valve noises in your sleep.
You go through tires almost as fast as gas

You source unknown expensive parts from japan to add 2 hp

You love it more than you could think of loving any woman

You're sick of the fast and the furious

Parts catalogs with items circled mysteriously appear on your S.O.' coffee table before Christmas

You have a brand new set of tires, but you keep looking at the tire ads, anyway

You can quote all of your cars specs, but can't remember your anniversary.

You take the long way everywhere and still get there first.

You talk about your car like it was made by God

People talk shit about you or your car online because they know they would have their ass handed to them in person!

The only cat you have is the one that stays at the crib.

When you spend 90 hours within a week and a half looking for a 1/2 psi boost leak.

You have 10K in mods, but the stock stereo system
Little kids annoy the shit out of you and ask for rides. Those same kids tell everyone you’re their brother.

You look at your boost gauge more than your speedometer

You start to lay out a 3 page plan on what your future mods are for your supra

The local carwash starts to know you by first name and gives you discounts

E-bay loves you.

Only civics try to race you on the road...everyone else has more sense than that.

Snow no longer means you can go skiing in your now means "How the fuck am I going to get get home?"

It's 15 degrees outside, and you're heating water to wash the car.

As you're washing the car, you take your jacket off so it won't scratch the paint.

You get annoyed when people go "too slow" on off-ramps, look down at your speedometer, and realize you're doing 60.

It’s not a matter of if you're ever gonna get a ticket, its more of a matter of when it's gonna happen.
Speed limit signs are the work of Satan, and thus you refuse to obey them.

You're girlfriend realizes when you're talking to her on the phone and watching car videos at the same time

You're girlfriend one day tells you "You know I think the car's better looking than you are, " and you just nod, smile, and say "Yes it is."
...You no longer have a girlfriend

The last one doesn’t bother you, because your car likes it harder and faster anyway.

You take offense to the fact that someone has the balls to say "you talk about your car like it was made by God, " as if they actually knew otherwise.

When you hear the term “pump gas” you think of $4+ a gallon an 100+ octane.

You make more power with one liter than most cars do total

Your dad doesn't care about the GPA cause he wants a ride in the car

Your roomate and his Camaro loving friends finally shut up about kicking mustangs asses.

You get your roomates girlfriend cause she likes your car better

You get dumped by your roomate's girlfriend but don't care cause you found a Hawian Tropic's model and a set of hot twins that love your car as well

You lose touch with a lot of friends because most of your discussions before were about whos car was better and now its obvious who was right.

You get out of your car at the gas station and start taking pictures of it under the florescent lights while everybody stares at you like you're an egotistical moron and your wife is in the car trying to hide from everybody.

Your x-mas list consists of cheap stuff like Lexol and motor oil because the stuff you really want nobody else can afford to buy for you (ie. Turbos, fuel systems, dart blocks…"

You go to a restaurant you park in a spot that can be seen from a window, as long as the spot won't risk you getting door dings, and then request to be seated at the table/booth by that window.

You go visit friends and family and let your wife do the talking while you stand and stare at your car out the livingroom window

You have another car that costs less than the tires on the race car that you drive when it rains.

You always think of what mods you could buy if you sold that POS

Every roll of film your wife develops always has at least a couple pictures of your car from the same angles as all the other rolls of film, but in different locations and/or under different lighting.
You would rather live in an apartment and have a nice modded mustang rather than buy a house and drive a cheaper car, or stock mustang.

You spot a crowd of ricers and pull in and pretend you're interested in their cars when really you're just there to show yours off and check out their ladies, maybe blow their doors off if they will actually race.

You're cruising along on the freeway and you see cars in your mirrors zooming up beside you but then you lose site of them because they don't pass you. Instead they're chilling in your blind spot, drooling over your car, and you get annoyed so you pretend like you don't know they are there so you turn on your blinker and pretend you're going to hit them.

People crap their pants when you tell them how much boost you run daily.

You keep busting your ass on the ice on the driveway from the water from washing your car in 20 degree weather.

You never have to ask your friends, "who wants to ride with me" When your all going out.
You would do anything for a girl who owned a mustang.

You peek in the garage every hour just to see if your car is ok.
You love telling people after you demolish them in a race that your mods are, "just exhaust and gears”

People start to chase you on the highway to follow you.

You can relate to at least half the things on this list, and that makes you daaaaamn proud.
You ask your Spanish teacher how to say "Mustang" in Spanish.

You blow ricers away on the road, and then smile as you tell them "Imagine if I had a turbo..."

Running your car cold is like the Rangers winning the Stanley Cup... isn’t gonna happen.

A teacher at your schools begs you to let her drive your car, and you laugh when she offers you the keys to her car to assure you that nothing will happen.

You are introduced to new people by your friend as the "guy who owns the supra"

Every other car enthusiast at the meet thinks you are an arrogant prick since building the mustang, but no one wants to race you.

You compiled this list and posted it on your door and people say "Yeah, you sure can relate to most of those"

You dont even look at the price of regular gas any more

You are more worried about hurting your car in a wreck than yourself

Mickey Thompson has a regular delivery schedule to your house every three months.

You break off a date (and sex) because your car is overdue for maintnence.

Your GF threatens to break up with you if you don't spend more time with her....

She stays with you because losing you means losing the car.

Cops stop you to talk about your car.

You feel weird when driving your beater. Why? Because no one is staring at it....

You smirk at people in their slow, $60, 000 M3's

Your upgrades are worth more than most peoples cars.

You only go to Sunoco, as they are the only ones that carry 94 octane (92 at Speedway just isn't enough)

You fail your midterm, but it's ok since you got that new part installed.

You get frost-bite on your hands because your headlights needed a cleaning.

You have a personal escort of hot rods that seems to always park close to you at the school parking lot.

People tell you an auto is slow, and you laugh at their ignorance.

You make her swallow so as to not stain the interior.

Your boss had to block wyldfantasies forums off the network at work.

When people ask you if u are single and u say "Not yet but I am working on it"...

When u visit other car websites and they hate u without knowing u because of how badass your car is.

When u put the words "ONLY" and "500rwhp" together in a sentence and its no big deal.

You sometimes drunkenly agree with those close to you that you need an intervention from your obsession, but the next day you won’t admit to it.

Washing your car is a form of meditation…

You take pride in knowing your only 15 min. from anywhere.

You look for shiny buildings to drive by just to enjoy the view.

You have to give helpful hints to people on getting in and out of your car and give them tips on maneuvering the jungle gym of bars.

When you are passing everyone up on the freeway while you are still in the entrance ramp trying to get onto the freeway.

You park your girls car with it's headlights on facing yours so you can work on your car in the dark.

When it rains, its still ok because all the world is a skidpad.

When you have smoked a motorcycle from a roll on the highway.

When you don’t like to answer how much you really have invested in your car around your father.

When u cant remember a girls name but u can remember all the guys that work at Cincy Speed and you have the number on speed dial #1 (513-821-2221 btw)

When you wake up from a nightmare and your safe place is the inside of your car.

When you're walking and u hear an exhaust note from far away and know exactly what car model and brand it is.

When you stomp it through every tunnel and rev it under every bridge to hear the wicked exhaust note.

When traction doesn't exist until third gear.

When you are on a Camaro website and everyone flames you cause they are jealous.

When you come out of a store or restaurant and notice a crowd of people gathered around a really nice car so you join them and you say to the guy closest to you, "man that's a really nice car." and he says, "hell yeah it is." Then you disarm it and get in and drive away gracefully.

When its 2 am and you can't fall asleep cause you've riled yourself up thinking about a nice new, big Turbo setup you are going to be putting on this weekend.

You'd rather dream about your car than girls.

When you get your pay check, and the only thing you think about it what mod to do next.

You just spent all your money on your car that you can't even go out to eat and you don't care.

You spend 6 hours in cold finding and solving the 2 lb boost leak because “Its just not right like that”

You get revved at damn near every traffic light because it is obvious your car is the f*cking Hulk!

You wake up your whole neighborhood coming back home at 3am because your car is just too f*cking loud.

You laugh when some dude at your work is talking about how scary driving at 140mph is.

When speeding tickets are achievement awards.

When 13mpg is a new record!

When you step on the gas and you can see you're gas needle actually go down.

When you refer to everything in life unmodified as "stock" or “factory”…

If you love to watch killer videos of badass cars on the internet, check out my Youtube channel and SUBSCRIBE at, become a fan on Facebook at Twitter at, Redguage at you can pretty much find us all over the internet please check out our artwork and videos and machinery and support us if you like what you see!

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